IsAIaH 55:9

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."


"If the truth doesn't save us, what does that say about us?"


Friday, December 19, 2008


Calvary youth camp 08 was a blast

before the camp i was seeking God for a time of refreshing and renewal, and He is faithful.

It wasn't necessarily an emotional or overly hyped up experience, but one thing's for sure. God showed up. And it's interesting to note that the presence of God and hype don't have to go hand in hand. He can do mighty things in the midst of His people regardless of the emotional 'atmosphere' we're in.

I think the greatest encouragement was seeing the seemingly young and inexperienced committee turn around and emerge successful with the organisation of the camp. of course there were glitches and unexpected issues, but they pulled through and learned the lessons needed to be learnt. WELL DONE guys. so proud of all of you..

but somehow there was one concern lingering on my mind. camp somehow felt a little like a whole bunch of different people with different responsibilities and focus thrown together into a large pot that just wouldn't mix. there wasn't that CALVARY YOUTH spirit there. or at least it wasn't as evident as it could have been. it's like.. instead of getting a uniform mix, there was a whole bunch of insoluble liquids separated from each other.. quite funny to notice actually, and it somewhat affected the general unity i think. but all this is my opinion.

there were the newbies, the young ones, the people in charge, there were those serving and busy here and there, the cooler ones who always seemed more prominent, there were the visitors who clung to each other, and of course the loners who were always alone.. the weird ones who just couldn't get along with anyone.. and the emo ones who refused to talk to anyone..

got me thinking quite a bit..

but as i said
camp was a BLAST

Friday, December 12, 2008

tuesday, wednesday , thursday


three not so awesome... yet.... three TOTALLY awesome days... *grins*.. ;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

time to reflect

it's christmas time.

funny though, december as set in five days into the month already. Maybe it's just me but i don't feel very much in a christmas mood this year. Some how there seems to be a lack of.. umm.. how do you describe it.. stuff happening? i was thinking about it and i's probably a combination of a few things..
  1. i'm growing up (old)... sigh..
  2. no big musical this year
  3. been so so busy with other stuff haven't really had time to get into the season
but i was just sitting arounf thinking this morning. And a really nice thought came to my head. Ain't it so so awesome that the whole POINT of christmas isn't the mood or the festivity of it all? i mean no matter how much celebration and fun you see all around you, you will never experience christmas until you SEE beyond all that hype and activity..

and i'm so glad that EVERY year i've had one of these moments like today. when i suddenly REALISE the incredible depth of this celebration, that GOD became a MAN. and his name is Emmanuel.

Come to bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord our new born King